Foresight to Strategy – Introduction

About This Course

How best can we prepare for the issues of tomorrow rather than playing catch up with yesterday’s problems?

This course explores the concept and purpose of strategic foresight, why it is important in helping us identify emerging policy opportunities and challenges, and equips you with foundational foresight methodologies and skills.

Training Dates

To be advised. 
Contact our team here for more information


 Approximately 8 hours

Learning Mode

Live instruction - online or in-person


Obtain a Certificate of Achievement from CAG


No pre-requisites required

Learning Objectives

What You Will Learn

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Explain the concept and purpose of strategic foresight 
  • Apply foundational foresight methodologies and skills 

Who Is This For

Public servants who want to develop foresight skills and apply these methodologies

Course Outline

What is strategic foresight and why is it important?

Case examples of anticipatory governance in the public sector

The emerging strategic landscape: what needs "future-proofing"?

Introduction to foundational foresight methodologies

Applying foundational foresight methodologies

  • Short exercises

Expert Contributors & Trainers

Luke Tay
Former Director, Singapore Food Agency; Founder, Cornucopia Futurescapes
Jared Poon
Former Senior Assistant Director, Centre for Strategic Futures, Prime Minister's Office; Former Assistant Director, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Singapore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between courses and custom programmes?

Courses can be taken by individuals as a standalone. Custom programmes are cohort-based and specially designed to address specific learning needs of an organisation.

What do pre-requisites mean?

Some courses require that you have a particular set of skills or knowledge before you begin the course.  You are strongly encouraged to complete the pre-requisite course first if there is one listed on the course page.

Who can I contact if I have further questions?

You can write to us directly at or submit your query via the Contact Us form.

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