Our Curriculum & Pedagogy
Our Curricular Foundations
We believe that strong nations are built around three key pillars that are underpinned by several critical foundations, and require careful stewardship by their leaders.
They must have the wisdom and foresight to discern the national story, to build and communicate a national identity around this story, and to set the national direction and goals in line with the story. In doing so, government leaders build enduring nations across generations and trust with the people they serve.
National Story
Foresight and scenario planning
Purpose and motivation in public service
Ethical leadership in the public service
The public sector must have strong organisations and systems.
This means having organisations that are united in purpose, values and culture, and structured in the best ways to fulfill their respective missions. Strong organisations must also be supported by effective systems, such as talent and performance management systems, resource management and strategic planning. These are the basic 'plumbing' required of any effective organisation.
Organisational development
Strategic resource management
Strategic planning and coordination
Corruption control
Talent and performance management
Public servants must have the practical wisdom and capabilities to design and deliver public policies. This is the core function of government, and the vehicle through which governments serve their constituents.
To do this well, public servants must have the technical capabilities to craft policies that can achieve the intended outcomes, the wisdom to discern whether policies are politically tenable, and the capacity to work together to translate policy on paper into implementation on the ground.
Public communications and stakeholder engagement
Public policy design
Data-driven and evidence-based policy-making
Policy writing
Design thinking
Programme implementation
Citizen engagement, co-creation and co-delivery

Political Leadership
Some of our relevant modules include:
- Lessons from History: The Rise and Fall of Nations
- The Art of Government Communications
- Foresight to Strategy
- Ethical Decision-making in the Public Service
Wise Nation
Some of our relevant modules include:
- Strategic Planning in the Public Sector
- Public Policy Design
- Public Sector Programme Implementation
- Building Collaborative Cultures in Government
- Finding Purpose and Motivation in Public Service
Prosperous Nation
Some of our relevant modules include:
- Think Like a CEO: Building a Competitive Economy
- Promoting Behaviour Change
Unified Nation
Some of our relevant modules include:
- Promoting National Unity in Cultures of Diversity
- Operating with a Citizens-first Mindset
- Understanding and Using Public Consultation Platforms
- Harnessing Citizen Participation in Policy Co-creation and Co-implementation
Critical Foundations
Strong nations require peaceful and secure environments to thrive. They require low levels of crime, as well as peace with their neighbours – on top of building internal defence capabilities, it is also important to build international alliances and networks and establish trust with other nations can help.
Strong nations also demonstrate a strong rule of law and the ability to enforce regulations, which provide a principled and transparent basis for defining the relationships between the state, businesses, communities, and individuals.
Finally, strong nations are built upon a national identity that its people share and identify with. The national story is shaped by the nation’s history, identity, and culture, which then influences the values, beliefs, and traditions of its people.
Some of our relevant modules include:
- Discerning and Stewarding the National Story