Welcome to the
Chandler Academy of Governance

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The Chandler Academy of Governance (CAG) is part of the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG), a non-profit organisation based in Singapore. CAG complements and supports CIG’s work by developing and delivering training programmes for government leaders.

Our training programmes are practitioner-oriented, and based on application rather than theory. Our unique curriculum is designed to equip government leaders with the capabilities required to meet the realities and demands of public service work. In line with this, our programmes are co-designed and delivered by experts with deep government experience.

We work closely with our government partners to contextualise our training programmes for the countries and regions we work in, so that the training is relevant for our learners.

Message from the Dean

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Public servants all over the world are tasked with such significant work as fighting pandemics, developing billion-dollar infrastructure projects, and delivering essential public services that directly affect lives and livelihoods. In the face of acute policy challenges amid tighter fiscal envelopes, addressing these challenges will only become more complex. More than ever, we need to prioritise training and capability development for public sector leaders, to help them better serve their constituents and to meet the enormity of the challenges that lie ahead.

As a former public servant of over 15 years, I had the privilege to serve in management roles across several different agencies, spanning both policy development and implementation. With each new role I found myself frequently asking, “How?" Many a time, I was fortunate to learn from my fellow practitioners. They had an instinct for what would work in the real world of policy implementation and service delivery, and could contextualise the "how" into the language and ethos of public service. That made the difference for me. It is my hope that the Chandler Academy of Governance can play that role for many more public servants like myself, across the globe and for generations to come.
Wu Wei Neng
Chief Executive Officer of the Chandler Institute of Governance,
and Dean of the Chandler Academy of Governance