

Creating Tailored Solutions

The policy environment and context in every country is different.
Partner with us to design and deliver training that caters to your training needs.

How We Are Different

We are practitioner-oriented. Our programmes are designed with practitioners and delivered with practitioners in mind. We focus not just on the “what” and “why”, but also the “how”. 
We understand that local context matters. We work internationally, allowing us to draw upon good practices all over the world, but framed for your specific context.
We are objective and non-partisan. We are not affiliated to any government, political party or company, and we act only in the best interest of the countries we work with.

Why We Are Different

We are practitioner-oriented. Our programmes are designed with practitioners and delivered with practitioners in mind. We focus not just on the “what” and “why”, but also the “how”. 
We understand that local context matters. We work internationally, allowing us to draw upon good practices all over the world, but framed for your specific context.
We are practitioner-oriented.
We are not affiliated to any government, political party or company, and we act only in the best interest of the countries we work with.

Partner With Us

Customised Short Courses
and Thematic Programmes
Conducted over a day or two, these short courses target specific competencies and skillsets, and are delivered through a mix of online and offline, self-paced and “live” learning modalities. 
Building upon the short courses, these thematic programmes are longer duration training programmes (up to several weeks) which give greater flexibility and scope to go in depth into a specific training area, or go broader to cover different themes. 
View our course catalogue for examples of courses we run.
Leadership Milestone Programmes
Developing public sector leaders is a continual process, requiring a systematic way to train leaders in specific skills and to impart knowledge needed at each stage of their careers.
We can work with you to design and deliver these milestone programmes.
See past examples of our milestone programmes.
Study Visits to
As a Singapore-based institution, we can also facilitate training programmes that reflect Singapore’s experience in governance but draw relevance to your own national context.
This will feature classroom-based learning combined with learning journeys that reflect the Singapore experience.
Get in touch with us to find out more.

Our Past Work

CAG has strengthened the capabilities of various National Schools of Government and government agencies, through past and ongoing training work.

Our Past Work

CAG has strengthened the capabilities of various National Schools of Government and government agencies, through past and ongoing training work.

Contact Us

Can’t find what you are looking for? Please contact our team with any questions.