CAG Attends ASEAN PSTI Forum in Vietnam to Support Regional Collaboration in Leadership Training
July 14, 2023
Opening ceremony of Meeting of the Heads of ASEAN Network of Public Service Training Institutes
- CAG participates in annual meeting of ASEAN PSTIs leaders and facilitates discussions on opportunities for international collaboration in developing public sector leaders
- CAG shares key insights from the Chandler Good Government Index and Global Survey of Public Sector Training
HANOI (VIETNAM), 14 July 2023 — The Chandler Academy of Governance (CAG) was invited by the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) of Vietnam to participate in the annual meeting of ASEAN Public Service Training Institutes (PSTI). During the meeting, CAG shared the trends facing the global public sector training landscape and facilitated discussions between the PSTI leaders on opportunities for regional collaboration in capability development for public sector leaders.
The ASEAN Network of PSTIs was established to promote cooperation and exchange among ASEAN countries for public sector capability development, and to support public sector transformation in ASEAN countries. The theme for this year’s meeting was enhancing leadership capabilities for effective national governance in the context of globalisation and digitalisation. The meeting was graced by Vice Minister for Home Affairs, Dr. Vu Chien Thang.
In his remarks to PSTI leaders, Vice Minister Vu spoke about the importance of the PSTI Network as a platform for ASEAN PSTIs to exchange good practices and exploit opportunities for collaboration. He also reaffirmed the role of international organisations like the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) in supporting the work by NAPA. Mr Kenneth Sim, Dean, CAG expressed his gratitude to NAPA and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) for entrusting CIG to anchor the discussions during this meeting and reaffirmed CIG’s commitment to supporting public sector capability development, in collaboration with its government partners.
Dr Vu Chien Thang, Vice Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs (Vietnam), delivering his welcome address to the delegates
During the meeting, CAG shared key insights from the Chandler Good Government Index (CGGI), one of which was about the close relationship between strong government capabilities and good national outcomes. CAG also shared key findings from CAG’s Global Trends and Challenges of Public Sector LeadershipTraining. The insights and findings helped to set the stage for discussions by the PSTI leaders on strategies and initiatives to improve public sector leadership training in their respective countries, and explore opportunities for regional collaboration.
Kenneth Sim, Dean of CAG, facilitating a group discussion among PSTI Leaders
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About the Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG)
The Chandler Institute of Governance (CIG) is an international non-profit organisation, headquartered in Singapore. We believe in a world where citizens have a deep sense of trust in their governments and public institutions, and where nations are governed by principled, wise leaders supported by an effective civil service. Trust and effective governance serve as a strong foundation for national development and prosperity. CIG supports governments in building government talent, leadership and public service capabilities through training programmes, research initiatives and advisory work. We are not affiliated with any national government or political party, and we do not represent any partisan or commercial interests.
For more news and information, visit or follow CIG on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn @ChandlerINST
For more news and information, visit or follow CIG on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn @ChandlerINST
About the Chandler Academy of Governance (CAG)
The Chandler Academy of Governance (CAG) is part of CIG. CAG complements and supports CIG’s work by designing and delivering training programmes that are practitioner-oriented, to equip government leaders with capabilities required to meet the realities and demands of public service work. CAG works with its panel of adjunct trainers and subject matter experts in the design and delivery of these programmes.
For more information about CAG, please visit
For more information about CAG, please visit
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For media clarifications, please contact:
Dominic GABRIEL (Mr)
Communications Manager
Chandler Institute of Governance
Xin Ping SIN (Ms)
Head, Programmes
Chandler Academy of Governance
Head, Programmes
Chandler Academy of Governance